This is your first Flash? Most people's first flash is a simple motion tween of a ball going across the screen... and they actually submit that shit!
This is great, youve got my 5.
This is your first Flash? Most people's first flash is a simple motion tween of a ball going across the screen... and they actually submit that shit!
This is great, youve got my 5.
Fix the scene
And this will quickly become front page material.
Thankyou, but I think I need more time to do a fron page
Darth Chronus, Jerry Jackson is god on earth....
So if you touch my 'willie' I will be nice :)
This isnt the best animation ever, honestly when i opend it and saw the title screen, I thought it was going to be some junky piece of poo by a 5 year old. But as it started I noticed that the animation was done very smoothley, the sound synced nicely, and there was even a fair bit of humor.
You have alot of potential, I hope you keep makeing animations, I can't wait to see what you do in the future.
i had bout 2 days to do it cause i only have a comp at my dads atm =/
im getting a comp at home soon so ill spend more time and effort in my next stuff =]
It really didn't make awhole lotta sense, but then again, most anime stuff doesn't. Good job on the animation.
Funny lol
killing homeless ppl awsome
Hated it...
I hated this not because of its quality, but because of its content.
My older sister was killed in a car crash after being hit by a driver who was to high to operate his vehicle...
ya sorry, i just dont have the same point of view.
Liked it cuz its true.
I hate smiley central its so annoying, and it lags your computer like hell when you get it... not to mention that it has about 30 adware viruses attached to it.
Yeah... Really doesnt deserve front page
Ok this animation is average at best, definatley not front page quality.
The ultimate showdown was good, this is just... yup
This is a very very well done flash animation. Who ever thought you could turn a happy childrens story into a dark dreary some what terrifying story.
Jerry Jackson > you
Joined on 5/14/05