make more! these little tricks are fun ^_^
make more! these little tricks are fun ^_^
Good game, very nice :) the only thing that I would change is make the poke'balls be free falling instead of you haveing to make them go down thereselves, that would give more of a challange.
Very Nice
Very nice game, great graphics, nice simple game engine.
and to all you people that think he stole this, he didn't, don't be jealous just because you will never have the intellegince to think that he may have used the program called swift 3d by macromedia wich allows you to make applications like this.
Thanks =)
I have always had a hard time with buttons, now i know how to make them correctly. Thanx =)
no problem. good luck with your flashes.
w00t this game ownz pl0x k thx! =D
Great game
Its a great game in all but i stumbled into a massive bug >_<
I was a lvl 5 caster, and i had enterd the medium lvl training room, after i defeted the ward thingy my life started to rapidly decrease while i was walking around, so I thought going into a fight would fix this, so i steped into the human portal and began to fight a agent. Whenver i attked and hit him his life wouldnt go down. So i think one bug led to another.
This game is awsome, mostly for the fact that i hate that damn frog! The only imrpovement it could use is more oprions to kill him.
This game is very very nicely made! i love useing the helly! :) o and kevin your supposed to hit the blue box to make the greay box fall down on top of the stick dood chaseing you.
Good tutrorial, needs a back button
It was a rpetty good tutorial, the only problem i saw was there was no back button. So whenever i missed something or did something wrong, I had to re-start the hole thing.
I know... i wont update it though, im working on a new, much better one which also includes sprites
Jerry Jackson > you
Joined on 5/14/05